Keeping in Contact with You
Looking for good conversation? Interesting presentations, superlative company and a delicious light luncheon? Then Club Sapphire, on March 7 @ 11.00am, is for you! Join us for the U3A Annual General Meeting.
Though you had previously been advised there may be resolutions to pass at the AGM, this will not be the case.
Links to Treasurer's Report here: U3A SC Income & Expenditure, 2017
U3A SC Assets & Liabilities, 2017 Sue & John Mikus will be talking about the process for future planning for a sustainable U3A Sapphire Coast and Terry Prowse will be launching our new
U3A SC Brains’ Trust met for the first time last month. An abundance of wisdom, discernment and history greeted Garry(Vice President), Nan(Management Committee) and myself. In our 21st year we do really need to capture and preserve our past. This means examining the print data and oral history and digitising it for conservation. Do we have member(s) who might be excited and willing to take that on, please?
I loved the story of an activity from our early U3A called “Dine Out’. U3A members gathered at local restaurant for a good meal with pencil and paper in hand, ready to evaluate the food and more. Needless to say, the customer service was excellent and quality of food rose, dramatically, as the restauranteur became aware of this group of diners!!
U3A publicity and marketing foray into the Bega Community have been very successful, thanks to Sue O'Loughlin and the Bega Working Party. A number of classes are now being offered at Bega venues, including the Library, FunHouse, Old Bega Hospital & CWA. Feedback from new Bega members has been extremely positive.
We really need help with the disposal of old card tables and other things from a couple of different U3A SC venues. A trailer, attached to a car, with a competent driver, volunteered would be very helpful for Barb Perry who is leading the cleanup as she replaces the old, tattered tables.
We still have about 10% of our membership unable to access U3A SC upcoming events and other information on the internet. Though we are able to mail out to people, the turnover of the information is often faster than we can communicate it to them via post. Please, if you know someone who is not able to use a computer to keep abreast of what is going on, can you lend them a hand?
An application for funding for Seniors' Festival activities has been lodged with the BVSC. Fingers crossed.
The new U3A SC Website will be the place to find out what is happening in U3A SC in the future. We hope you will list the URL in your favourites and visit it regularly, if not daily, after the launch on March 7. Terry Prowse, our webmaster, has committed to keep events and news up to date. The first Training Session will be on Saturday, March 10, 10.00am - 12.00pm, at the U3A Tura Centre. Everyone is very welcome to attend and to join Terry afterwards for a light lunch.
We will have an "Office" presence, at the U3A Tura Centre, from Thursday 8 March, 9.00am - 12.00pm. This will be to field all enquiries and to meet new & current members. If you would like to help with this activity, from time to time, please do let me know. Be seen with the best at the AGM next week.