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Can you Help?
The U3A Sapphire Coast is always keen to have new courses offered.
If you are interested in running a course for the U3A, please contact any member of the Program Sub-Committee. They will be more than happy to help you with the process of setting up a course.


Like to offer a course or one off event?
If you are planning a Course or "One-Off" Event, the Program Sub-committee has developed downloadable Guides to assist you in your planning. They have been developed to help potential Leaders but are not prescriptive - the Program Sub-Committee recognises that many of our members have considerable experience in developing and running courses and will want to construct and develop their Course/Event in their own way.

Submitting a Course/Event Proposal
This form is designed to assist in the planning of proposed Courses or Events. Submission of this form is not a requirement for a Course or Event to be included in the U3A Program; however all the Leader and Course/Event details requested need to be supplied before a Course or Event can be advertised to members. You can use this form to supply this information to us if you wish, by either scanning it and emailing it to a member of the Program Sub-Committee, or by posting a the hard copy to "Programs, U3A Sapphire Coast, PO Box 798, Merimbula, 2548".

It is preferable for Course Leaders to book or renew the bookings for their venues themselves.
The Program Sub-Committee can assist with identifying possible venues for courses and events. If you need assistance in finding a place to hold your proposed class please contact a member of the Program Sub-committee.
For information about the U3A Centre click here.

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