Our New Website
It has been a delight to have met many of you lately, as leaders and courses attenders. I am impressed by the range of offerings and the depth of commitment in our community. Thank you for your enthusiasm and your contributions.
We have a rich history from the many members who have dedicated time to develop our distinctive U3A. This website reflects a sense of our evolution, what we do now and where we are heading in the future.
In this upgraded, online presence we tackle a number of enhancements:
Ease of navigation, through a clear, clean interface
Ready access to information, about our courses, our people and our community.
Improved interactivity, through different & dynamic communication options including a blog, forum & feedback pages
Please take some time to check out the drop down menus and scroll below to see the full potential of our website. You’ll notice, as you explore, that the links have been made, behind the scenes, to connect you to familiar MyU3A pages. Here you will renew your membership and enrol in courses as you have done in the past.
We hope you will return frequently, to find information about new programs and events; to interact using the forum and blog and to enjoy what our members are doing.
Our webmaster is Terry Prowse. It has been a huge task for her to take on and to create to this point. There is still much to be done and her ongoing involvement will be paramount. Our sincere thanks go to Terry for her dedication and for sharing her expertise for our benefit.
Fleur Dwyer