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  • Note that the Centre is only available for U3A activities - no bookings for outside events are taken

  • please view the calendar and check the time and date you are seeking are available at this time

  • email your booking request to the Booking Coordinator

Centre Booking Calendar

To request edits to this calendar contact the Booking Coordinator


Use of U3A Tura Beach Premises

  • Keys to the Centre will be allocated to Course Leaders, using the Centre on a regular basis.

  • Cost is $3.00 per person per session. Leaders will determine if additional costs are required for their course or to cover coffee and tea etc.

  • The Centre is to be left clean and tidy after use. 

  • A plan of the Centre can be located on the wall near the notice board. This plan explains where equipment is located.




Emergency Procedures for Leaders Using the U3A Centre

It is suggested that all Leaders using the U3A Centre at Tura Beach familiarise themselves with the following emergency procedure.





Centre User Guide
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